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Plovput LLC limited liability commercial company for
maintenance of maritime waterways and radio service



Mediterranean governance for Strategic Maritime SurveIllance and Safety issues 



MED OSMoSIS’s objective is the development of a number of modules/applications regarding Maritime Surveillance activities and to facilitate information exchanges that will support the further development of a regional/local smart plug-in capability supporting interoperable sectoral systems, ensuring their regional, deployable and mobile interface, in order to Enhance in-situ Situational Awareness, wherever needed in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic approaches. The project will explore the application of current guidelines and capabilities of the ongoing evolution of the CISE data exchange model.

Regarding Maritime surveillance aspects, 14 new functionalities will be developed. Those include:

  • creating a GIS portal for feeding and accessing geo-information, applications and reports;
  • Interconnections with Third party systems;
  • Application of antifouling equipment management;
  • Search and rescue planning;
  • Activate Geofencing;
  • Operation/patrol tool;
  • Application and Website for registry, consultation, listing and reporting of small boats movements and incidents;
  • Integration and development of additional features;
  • Make webgis tools available to create additional information layers for defining geometries documenting changes in the use of marine areas and their artifacts;
  • Provision of digital charts portfolio supporting the management activities of relevant areas;
  • On-site recording via form and map from mobile devices;
  • Navigation Warning;
  • Interoperability tools;
  • CISE for the French hydrographic office.



1) Innovative solutions for Maritime Surveillance: the further development of the modules and applications and subsequent information exchanges between the project partners, will support the project partners cooperation regarding maritime surveillance as well as developing multilateral coordination frameworks in the Mediterranean for joint responses.

2) Pilot studies results and capitalisation: The project partners competences and activities that have been included in the project cover most of the Mediterranean basin and the proposed modules/ applications cover a number of possible maritime surveillance aspects (Maritime Spatial Planning, Search and Rescue Cooperative plans between project partners, sharing experience with partners without corresponding platforms etc). The hands-on application of the Innovative solutions through the proposed pilot studies will enhance the cooperation between the project partners and reveal the possible dynamic and better results that such cooperation can contribute to maritime surveillance and relevant information exchanges.

3) List of platforms for Maritime Surveillance: Establishing a list of platforms existing in the partnership while testing their availability and interoperability, testing the data and including information will provide a valuable tool for the project partners. This result contains the reports regarding diagnosis of problems, needs analysis and possible ways to improve the currently used platforms while it will also provide a guide for the development of such platforms for countries without one and a roadmap for IPA countries to minimize their gap with other European Partners. The interoperability studies will ensure that the different institutional levels will be able to share ascending and descending information with processes coherent and shared between the EU Countries and Institutions.


Project title: Mediterranean governance for Strategic Maritime SurveIllance and Safety issues

Programme: Interreg Mediterranean

Total budget: 3,000,000.00 €

ERDF funding: 2,480,300.00 €

IPA funding: 69,700.00 €

Project duration: 01.11.2019. - 30.06.2022

Lead partner: Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy, Greece

Ostali partneriPlovput LLC, Croatia; DGAM - Autoridade Maritima Nacional, PortugalValencia Port Fundacion, SpainCSIC - The Spanish National Research Council, SpainSHOM - FranceNIB - National institute of biology, SloveniaRegione Abruzzo, ItalyKIP - Intermodal transport klaster, CroatiaMinistry of Capital Investments, Montenegro